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I almost lost everything, my health, my job, my dreams.


Updated: Sep 3, 2024

How Hyperbaric Oxygen (HBOT) helped heal my Long Covid.

Man silhouette walking along beach at dawn dusk with sea spray

David, a 42-year-old father of Three, contracted COVID-19 in early 2021. Though his initial infection was moderate, he never fully recovered. Months after the acute phase, David found himself struggling with a wide range of symptoms that persisted—extreme fatigue, brain fog, shortness of breath, and joint pain. These symptoms significantly impacted his daily life, making it difficult to work or even engage in simple activities with his family. David’s doctor diagnosed him with Long COVID, also known as Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection. David had long covid for over a year other symptoms came later Cognitive impairment, Sleep Disturbance, Reynard Syndrome, Arthritis and GI issues etc. He was being treated in the Long Covid Clinic and has tried many different medicines, therapeutics supplements, diets and treatments to little or no avail.

Traditional treatments and rest brought little relief. As time went on, David grew increasingly frustrated and desperate for something that could help him regain his health.

In his search for solutions, David came across stories of other Long COVID sufferers who had tried Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). While the idea of breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber seemed unconventional, David was intrigued by reports of people experiencing reduced symptoms and improved energy levels after the treatment.

After consulting with his healthcare provider and weighing the potential risks and benefits, David decided to give HBOT a try. He began a series of 40 sessions, each lasting about 70 minutes. The therapy involved him lying in a hyperbaric chamber, where the pressure was increased to allow his lungs to take in more oxygen than normal. During the first few sessions, David didn’t notice much difference. However, around the tenth session, he began to feel subtle changes. His brain fog started to lift, and his energy levels gradually improved. The crushing fatigue that had plagued him for months started to ease, allowing him to participate more in family activities and even return to work part-time.

He also noticed that he could laugh, and that he could think straight and had more energy. He also had vivid dreams that night and a good nights sleep without disturbance. After 20 sessions he noticed a bigger improvement in his cognitive ability particularly his concentration to read a book, fill in an online form and plan things in the future. 

David's fatigue started to lift further. After 40 sessions he started to feel more like his old self and started cycling again without the terrible post exercise malaise and headaches. It was not a miraculous cure, but for me it seemed to give his body what it needed to heal itself. David wanted to reach out to other people trapped in this terrible energy cycle of boom and bust.

By the end of the treatment course, David felt significantly better. While not all of his symptoms were completely gone, the improvement was substantial enough to restore much of his quality of life. He could think more clearly, his joint pain had lessened, and his energy had returned to a level where he could function relatively normally.

Long Covid, ME, Autoimmune: The Science behind HBOT

Clinical trials of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) have been shown to elevate ATP (adenosine triphosphate) levels, the principal molecule for storing and transferring energy in cells and to redirect unhealthy metabolic pathways and reduces NAD+ deficiency. 

Also research has found that HBOT does three major things. Firstly HBOT delivers 97% more oxygen to brain tissue and encourages neuroplasticity that leads to repair of impaired brain function and tissue. Secondly it restores the intricate balance between Neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine and endorphins and finally it works as 'gene therapy' to reprogram unhealthy metabolic pathways. 

HBOT is well known for anti-inflammatory powers and is frequently used to treat inflammatory conditions and to help with pain management. It helps oxygenate damaged tissue and relieve and repair any damage that may be causing the pain. It may help with the inflammatory response to the infection and some of the data from clinical trials shows a reduction in the density of the lung and lesions.

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